• Essay                                                                                                                    10%
  • Interview                                                                                                           25%
  • Fitness                                                                                                                10%
  • Onstage Business Wear Question                                                     15%
  • Talent                                                                                                                   25%
  • Evening Gown                                                                                                15%
  • *Optional* Art-Work

Essay- You will find the requirements needed for your essay in the paperwork section of your age category

Interview- Each age group from 5+ (Mini Miss) with have a interview with the judges from 3-10 minutes. You'll find additional information on the paperwork page. You'll want to wear something business casual, and/or professional. 

Opening number- For the opening nunber and routine 5+ (Mini Miss) Please wear, Pink, Orange or Yellow outfits. 

Fitness- It is required that you wear white tennis shoes, and a Cinderella blue fitness outfit. This can include many differnt shades of blue. If you have any questions about this please contact us! 💙 We ask all contestants to dress appropriately for their age category.

Onstage Question- As the date gets closer we will provide you with sample questions to practice for your age group for onstage questions 

Talent- we ask the contestants to dress appropriately for their age group. Any additional information on the paperwork page

Artwork *optional*- Please find the information needed for your age category on the paperwork page

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