
Become a Sponsor

Support the Miss Bartlesville pageant by donating awards and contributing to the uplifting experiences of the contestants. Your sponsorship will make a meaningful impact on the lives of young women in our community. Many awards will come from local businesses giving us their support

Upcoming Awards

Essay Award

The essay award recognizes participants ability to express themselves through the written word, showcasing their creativity and communication skills. Each essay award winner in each category will recieve a trophy, making her not only beauty, but the brains!

Most Photogenic

The most photogenic award celebrates natural beauty and charisma, capturing the essence of each contestant's unique presence. She will receive cash scholarship with a plaque of acknowlegedment of her beauty. The contestant will win a photoshoot to further on their photogentic beauty.

Talent Award

The talent award goes to the girl that was voted the most talented in her group. She will recieve a plaque of acknowlegment of her honors. She will also recieve a cash scholarships.

Overall Award

The overall award is the highest honour, acknowledging the contestant who exemplifies the values and spirit of the pageant. Each girl will recieve a crown, sash, and roses with her title of the cateogory she competed in. Throughout their year of servie the girls will have opportunity to serve their community more. 

The awards may look different for each category, especially as we continue to look for more opprotunites to add more, but here is what you can look forward to!

  • We will be looking for many opprotunities to come together in the community
  • Sash
  • Crown 
  • Roses
  • Contestants will get to ride in a float in the Bville Annual Chirstmas parade
  • Photoshoot(s) with the winners together to be featured on the webiste and socail medias
  • Beauty appointments such as spray tans and hair appointments
  • 4-8 Kenetic powerdermabrasion lymphatic drainage treatments 
  • A sisterhood built upon the other winners as we come together to meet
  • Cash prizes

Esther Award

The Esther award is voted on by the contestant as they come together to find one girl that was found the kindest and mosty outgoing during the competition. To the girl that examplifies attributes of Ester from the bible of humility, patience, loving boldness, bravery and strength. The esther award will include a basket of goodies examplifying Esther!

The Art Award

Entering an art peice is optional to sumbit, however it can be a good opprotunity for the contant to express themsleves, and their artisitic talents. The winner of the art award will recieve a bundle of art goodies to help the artiist persue their talent in the art. 

Advantages of Competing

Competing in the Miss Bartlesville pageant offers numerous benefits, including the opportunity for personal growth, spiritual enrichment, mentorship, and community. Participants will also have the chance to showcase their talents and timeless values. Contestants may be given awards if they score the highest

Join the Miss Bartlesville Pageant

Experience personal growth, spiritual enrichment, and timeless values. Showcase your talents and uplift the community.